RBTration Ltd
Rita Baal-Taxa
Advocate, Arbitrator, Mediator, Risk Manager,
Dispute Fixer
RBTration Ltd Founder and a leading expert of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) proceedings, including international arbitrations and mediations in the following sectors: Insurance & Reinsurance, Finance, Hi-tech and Real Estate.
More than 20 years of vast experience in senior management positions in the Insurance industry, both as a Vice President at Insurance companies (The Phoenix and Menora) and as a Senior Vice President at International Brokers group (Marsh McLennan Companies).
Principal areas of expertise: Reinsurance contracts and placements, Large corporations, underwriting guidelines, claims management, Corporate law, Securities law, Cyber, economical evaluations, financial analysis and risk assessments.
Mediator since 2000 and arbitrator since 2014, upon qualification at 'Jethro' – The Institution of Disputes resolved out of courts.
Lecturer in Academic and professional forums (Bar Ilan university, The academic Institution Netanya, The Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Israel Bar Association, Judges training, Directors qualification, etc.) in Insurance, Directors and Officers Liability, Cyber, global programs, Reinsurance, Arbitrators training and the likes.
Provide expert’s opinion for courts and Due Diligence reviews for Boards and companies with complex Insurance structures.
Director – Serving as a Director in Public companies in the Real Estate Sector and in Insurance company.
Investor and entrepreneur in Start-Up companies in Hi-Tech and in Insuretech.
LLB in law from TLV University.
MSc. In Management Science form NYU – Polytechnic School of Engineering.

Our Services
A Voluntary form of recommended Dispute Resolution:
- The Authority to mediate is given by the parties to a conflict.
- The mediator can be nominated by 4 manners:
- A specific named mediator agreed in advance.
- A specific named mediator nominated by agreement upon a rise of a conflict.
- An Institute or a person agreed in advance, which will nominate a mediator upon a rise of a conflict.
- Court’s referral.
- The mediator, who is a neutral third party, is leading the parties to a guided process of communication and negotiation, while revealing a variety of optional agreements based on both parties interests and making non-binding recommendation.
- If the parties reach an agreement in respect of all aspects of the dispute the Mediation process is successful and may be brought to court for validation as a court verdict.
- If the parties cannot reach an agreement in respect of all aspects of the dispute, the dispute will be submitted to the court.
A Voluntary form of a binding Dispute Resolution:
- The Authority to arbitrate and the scope of the dispute to be resolved is given and defined by the parties to a conflict.
- The arbitrator can be nominated by 3 manners:
- A specific named arbitrator agreed in advance.
- A specific named arbitrator nominated by agreement upon a rise of a conflict.
- An Institute or a person agreed in advance, which will nominate an arbitrator upon a rise of a conflict.
- The arbitrator, who is a neutral third party, is leading a process as defined in the arbitration agreement. The process could be subject to the material law and to formal procedures and evidence laws, but could be also defined as free from such procedures.
- The arbitrator determines the solution for all aspects of the dispute as an arbitration verdict.
- The arbitration verdict may be brought to court for validation as a court verdict.
A hybrid form of Alternative Dispute Resolution:
- The Authority to medirate (Mediation & arbitration) and the scope of the dispute to be resolved is given and defined by the parties to a conflict.
- The medirator can be nominated by 3 manners:
- A specific named medirator agreed in advance.
- A specific named medirator nominated by agreement upon a rise of a conflict.
- An Institute or a person agreed in advance, which will nominate a medirator upon a rise of a conflict.
- The procedure starts as standard mediation, while the mediator leads the parties to an agreement on as many as possible aspects of the dispute.
- If certain aspects cannot be agreed by the parties, than the Mediator becomes an arbitrator, and determines the final result in respect to those remainder aspects.
- Both phases of the procedure: The Mediation phase agreed by the parties and The Arbitration phase determined by the arbitrator are forming one final document, headlined as mediration verdict.
- The from’s strength stem from lowering disputant expectations and enhancing cooperative behaviors during the mediation phase.
- It is likely to be less costly and time consuming, enhance fairness judgments, and produce greater compliance to arbitrated decisions, without the need to take the whole dispute back to court only due to certain aspects, which were left in controversy.
- The mediration verdict is as valid as an arbitration verdict and may be brought to court for validation as a court verdict.
Modular Due Diligence reports for Boards of Directors, controllers or regulatory authorities, which review and examine the propriety of the organiztion’s Insurance program. The report includes reference to the scope of coverage by means of sums insured and limits of liability and also by means of wording extensions and specific modification to adapt to the organization’s needs.
The reports may by designed per organiztion’s request.
Main expert reports:
- D&O – Directors & Officers Liability
- Cyber policy
- Professional Indemnity
- BBB – Bankers Blanket Bond
- Financial Institutions, Investment managers and Funds
- Product Liability
- Property and Business Interruption
- War & Terror
- Casualties
- Construction and Erection projects / Plants / Infrastructure / Power & Energy / Desalination plants
Insurance expert opinion in complex cover and underwriting issues for courts and other legal proceedings.
Main expert opinions:
- D&O – Directors & Officers Liability
- Cyber policy
- Professional Indemnity
- BBB – Bankers Blanket Bond
- Financial Institutions, Investment managers and Funds
- Product Liability
- Property and Business Interruption
- War & Terror
- Casualties
- Construction and Erection projects / Plants / Infrastructure / Power & Energy / Desalination plants
Professional lectures on the main following subjects:
- Board of directors’ liability for Risk management and Insurance
- D&O – Directors & Officers Liability
- Cyber policy
- Professional Indemnity
- BBB – Bankers Blanket Bond
- Financial Institutions, Investment managers and Funds
- Product Liability
- Property and Business Interruption
- War & Terror
- Casualties
- Construction and Erection projects / Plants / Infrastructure / Power & Energy / Desalination plants